Am I good enough?
Does this question ever pop up in your mind? Do you ever stop whatever you are doing and start wondering if you are good enough; if you are trying hard enough; if you are giving your best?
Is it worth it? Are you wasting your time if you are not on the top of the game in a world, highly impressed by status and money.
What about us? The small and ordinary people, whose tireless efforts mean nothing to the world. They change nothing globally, but mean so much to us.
I don't know if I am good enough. Good enough mother, wife, citizen, worker. I am almost certain that I am not. There is space for improvement in all areas of me and in my life.
Am I happy and content? Most of the time my answer will be positive.
Does it matter then if I am good enough or not for the world? I know I am putting my best effort and the most cherished people in my life seem to appreciate it, as I appreciate theirs in return.
Am I worrying more about being good enough in the eyes of the world, or in my own eyes. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate. It is difficult when you give in to the world's standards and accept them as yours. One of the biggest mistakes we can make!
Don't forget to find space and time for silence and listen to your inner voice. It is the only genuine keeper of truth about you. It will help you unpeel all the layers foreign and unnatural to you.
It will show you your true worth and how good you are.
Am I good enough?
Yes, I am. For my life and for myself. It doesn't mean I am not trying to improve, but I am good enough for here and now, because I know my path, my mistakes, my recoveries, my hardships, my victories, better than anyone else in the world.
It is true for me and it is true for you.
Am I good enough?
I can proudly announce, that I am no longer open for the world's opinions of me. Especially, the ones based on minimum knowledge about my life, and maximum amount of stereotypes and rushed conclusions.
Am I good enough?
I am and so are you!
Random musings